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Everything you need to know about referencing, bibliographies, copyright and plagiarism

When referencing books, your reference list needs to include:

  • author's name – surname followed by initial(s)
  • year of publication
  • title, in italics
  • publisher
  • place of publication, usually a city.

When referencing a reference book (ie a dictionary or encyclopedia):


Harvard referencing example:

Rowling, J.K. 2014, Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone, Bloomsbury, London.


If an organisation is the author: 

e.g. Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission 1997, Bringing them home: report of the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from their Families, HREOC, Sydney 


If no author is provided:

e.g. Style manual for authors, editors and printers 2002, 6th edn, rev. Snooks &Co., John Wiley & Sons, Milton, Qld. 

When referencing newspaper articles, your reference list needs to include:

Newspaper articles

  • author's name – surname followed by initial(s), if there's a by-line
  • year of publication
  • title of the article in single quote marks [‘...']
  • name of the publication, in italics
  • specific date, including volume number if applicable
  • page number.


Harvard referencing example:

Narushima, Y 2010, 'Expulsion looming for Afghans', The Age, 1 October, p.12

No by-line:

If there's no by-line and you don't know who wrote the article, record the:

  • title of the article
  • name of the newspaper
  • date
  • page number.

So your reference would look like:

‘Yorta people vow to fight on', The Age, 19 December 1998, p. 8

When referencing magazine/journal articles, your reference list needs to include:

Magazine/Journal articles

  • author's name – surname followed by initial(s)
  • year of publication
  • title of the article in single quote marks [‘...']
  • name of the publication, in italics
  • specific date, including volume number if applicable
  • page number.

Harvard referencing example:

Sprinks, J 2010, 'Nursing schools ask students to defer take-up of limited places', Nursing Standard, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 11-16. 

Information sourced and adapted from State Library of Victoria, Victoria University and Deakin University

Icons sourced from Freepik