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Everything you need to know about referencing, bibliographies, copyright and plagiarism

Below you will find several bibliography templates. These templates are to help you find the correct information need to complete your bibliography.

  • Do not submit your bibliography in the below templates.
  • Your submitted bibliography should be listed alphabetical by authors surname or organization name as shown in the example below. They are all listed together in one list.
  • If you use your list while you are researching and put in the information as you go then you should be able to copy and paste the information to create your bibliography.
  • Remember to give your bibliography a heading and make sure to include all resources that you have use. 

Feel free to add or edit the below templates depending on the depth of your research.



Australian War Museum, Second World War 1939-1945, viewed 31 August 2016,

Dahl, R James and the Giant Peach, London, Alfred A. Knopf Inc., 1961

Rowling, J.K, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, London, Bloomsbury, 1998

Saldais, M & Jackson L, Humanities Alive: History 2, Milton, Jacaranda, 2007

You may need more, or less lines in the table. This depends on your research depth. Feel free to add more if you wish.

Icons sourced from Freepik