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Study Skills



We experience stress when we feel under pressure to do something.  Stress is a common reaction, however when it becomes constant it can turn into a problem. 

A balanced lifestyle and coping strategies can help you manage stress.

Issues that cause stress cannot always be resolved but changing your expectations of a problem may help.  Untreated stress can lead to serious illness. 

It's important to get help if you feel you can't cope.

Information sourced from Better Health

Being a secondary student can be stressful.  Things like a heavy workload and time constraints, homework and exams, after school commitments like sport and part time jobs, relationships issues with friends, family, partners, not to mention weighty expectations from teachers and parents.




It may not be possible to remove stress from your life, however managing stress may help you get things done.  Your outlook, attitude, and thoughts influence the way you see things. A healthy dose of optimism may be able to help you make the best out of stressful circumstances.  Remener there is often more than one way to achieve something. It is important not to put all your eggs in one basket. Investigate and plan other ways to get to where you want to go!



A super effective way to combat stress is to have a healthy lifestyle.  Things like eating well, getting plenty of sleep, exercising regularly all help you to feel in control and confident which can help you manage your stress levels.

Find a healthy balance between school and your other activities, learn some relaxation techniques and reach out to others.  Try not to compare yourself to others and learn to say no to avoid overload!  Set goals and seek help when you need it, there are lots of places to turn to when you are feeling stressed.


How to make stress your friend

Health Psychologist Kelly McGonigal talks about harnessing stress for good.

Video sourced from TED

Managing Stress

Stress is all too natural. But here are some tips for keeping it under control.

Video sourced from BBC

Surviving Student Stress

This program explores study stress, explaining what it is, what causes it and what are some typical signs or symptoms to be wary of.

Video sourced from Clickview

For Mindfulness apps check out the Mindfulness Libguide - Resources

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