How to research
An up to date guide for helping students master the art of online researching.
Video sourced from The EdTech Show
How Google Search Works (in five minutes)
A short video about how Google Search works, including how Google’s software indexes the web, ranks sites, flags spam, and serves up results.
Video sourced from Google
Government websites : Websites created by governments, look for '.gov' in the web address
News media : Online news sources may be limited to paid subscribers. CGSC students have access to The Age Online accessible via the CGSC Library Libguide or CGSC Library Catalogue. Students can also sign up to Boroondara Public Library which has access to many paid newspaper subscriptions. There are also many free local newspapers - Progress Leader
Professional organisations : Look for the '.org' in web addresses, and check to see if the organisation is credible and reliable before trusting their information.
Online journals : Journals are collections of articles written by experts on a topic who have studied and researched in depth. Journal articles are often written in academic language, and may only be accessible through paid subscriptions. The State Library of Victoria provides access to online journals for members, and it's free to join.
Online databases : Organisations and institutions may provide free access to their online databases of information. Check out our A-Z database list which may help your research process.
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