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Bienvenue... Welcome to your French Libguide, an online library study guide for students of French. Here you will find some great French resources so that you can practise your language skills and learn more about the language spoken in France and in many francophone countries. As we know, learning a language effectively does require regular self-directed effort, there are lots of fun activities that you can do, according to your personal learning style and your individual learning goals. In this guide, you will find fabulous extra resources that will help you to practise vocabulary, develop your grammatical skills and, importantly, find out more about the French culture. Whether you want to view, read or listen, you will find many activities to do. Be sure to select activities at your level that you feel comfortable with and ask your friendly French teachers for any advice that you may need.
Remember, petit à petit l’oiseau fait son nid... By working little by little at a task, we make steady progress.
Bonjour = Hello, Good morning
Bonsoir = Good evening
Bonne nuit = Good night
Au revoir = Goodbye
Oui = Yes
Non = No
Merci = Thank you
Merci beaucoup = Thank you very much
S’il vous plaît = Please
Excusez-moi = Excuse me
Je vous en prie = You’re welcome (formal)
De rien = You’re welcome (casual, informal)
La fille = Girl
Le garçon = Boy
La femme = Woman
L’homme = Man
L’amour = Love
Le français = French
Le jour = Day
La semaine = Week
Le monde = World
Monsieur = Mister, gentleman
Mademoiselle = Miss, young unmarried woman
Madame = Married woman, older woman
Beau = Handsome
Belle = Beautiful
Fort = Strong (masculine adjective)
Forte = Strong (feminine adjective)
Gentil = Nice, Kind (masculine adjective)
Gentille = Nice, Kind (feminine adjective)
Le chat = Cat
Le chien = Dog
Je m’appelle...= My name is...
Je suis désolé(e)= I’m sorry
Comment vous appelez-vous?= What is your name?
Comment allez-vous?= How are you doing?
Parlez-vous anglais?= Do you speak English?
Pouvez-vous m’aider?= Can you help me?
Quelle heure est-il?= What time is it?
Quel temps fait-il?= What is the weather like?
Combien ça coûte?= How much is this?
Je t’aime= I love you