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Visual Art

Elements and Principles of Design

This programme explains the elements used in visual design and then explains how these can be arranged and organised using the principles of design.  

Video Sourced from Clickview

PERFECT LAYOUT DESIGN Step by Step *With Examples*

Layout design can be tricky to many designers, but today I will be showing you a step-by-step process for creating the perfect layout on your designs, each and every time.

Information sourced from Satori Graphics 

Typography Tutorial - 10 rules to help you rule type

Graphic Design Tutorial: 10 Typography rules to help you improve your type skills. Get better at graphic design by understanding how to use type. Improve your layouts instantly by following these 10 easy to follow rules.

Information sourced from The Futur

Learn Illustrator in 5 MINUTES! Beginner Tutorial

Learn the basics of Adobe Illustrator and how to use the most common tools and functions to create vector art! This is not your typical tutorial, this is a very quick video showing as many of the basics as possible.

Information sourced from Flow Studio

What Makes an Effective Infographic?

An infographic is supposed to be a quick and easy way of conveying information to your audience.

Information sourced from Easelly: Infographic Design Tips & Tutorials

Symbols and Nested Symbols: Sketch Masterclass [2020]

Level up your Design journey

Information sourced from Pierluigi Giglio

Intro to Shape Theory | Basics for Beginners

Today we start to take a look at Shape Theory and how to apply it to real world designs.

Information sourced from TipTut

The best environment design exercise for beginners.

Exercises for beginners

Inforamtion sourced from Tyler Edlin

How to Make a House Plan Step by Step?

How to draw a house plan following step by step instructions.

Information sourced from Civil Engineers


A basic tutorial on how to draw a basic house

Information sourced from Arias Designs

Introduction to Planometric Drawings

This is a short video to demonstrate the stages to complete a Planometric Drawing.

Information sourced from Andrew Hay

Sketching 14 - Planometric Introduction

How to draw Planometric

Information sourced from B Sheridan

Design in the real world Logo

Companies and other organisations rely on logos to convey information and create brand recognition. Their design is critical – time, creativity, expertise and often, vast sums of money, are invested into their creation – but what are the principles and elements of excellent logo design?  

Information sourced from Clickview

Influences on Design 

Many factors influence the design of products, systems or environments. Designers must consider how these factors will have an impact on their eventual users, environments and the wider world.

Information sourced from Clickview

COLOR THEORY BASICS: Use the Color Wheel & Color Harmonies to Choose Colors that Work Well Together


Learn color theory and how to choose colors that work well together: with the color wheel, color harmonies and color palettes.

Information sourced from Sarah Renae Clark

Made by Design : Packaging

Product management Presented by Andrew Daddo 

Information sourced from Clickview